Lawn Renovation

Remove the thatch layer on your lawn with our lawn renovation services.

Our Renovation Services Includes

Power Raking, Clean Up, Liming, Seeding and Starter Feed.

lawn renovationLawn Renovation Programs:

Our lawn renovation service is a very labor intense process that removes the dead organic material that builds up and is commonly known as “thatch”. This is by far the best process to get your property in a condition that the grass plant can receive all the materials that are applied to the lawn WITHOUT getting hung up in the thatch layer and can’t get to the grass plants roots.

Renovation includes: power raking the area, cleaning up the material pulled out of the lawn, liming, seeding and starter feed to get the new seed off to a good start. Starter feed can only be used when lawns that are renovated or installed due to laws on the use of Phosphates.

Lawns that have had liquid non-slow release fertilizer tend to build up a dense layer of thatch much quicker than slow-release fertilizers, thus causing a spongy feel when walking through your property. It’s a very unhealty situation as it harbors insects, disease and does not allow water and nutrients to get in the root zone of plants. Areation will not solve the problem, when the depth becomes more than a half inch.

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